Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Geo Caught What? (geocaching)

There I was hugging the side of the cliff, hundreds of feet of steep drop-off behind me, with the cold wind biting at my skin. I edged my way along, carefully side-stepping over an icy patch of rock, with only one thing on my mind...okay two things: "Dang! This is awesome!" and "Where is it?" I was in the process of finding the hidden cache supposedly hidden somewhere in the side of this Rocky Mountain cliffside. See, I was on vacation and my cousin, CJ, wanted to take me out "geocaching" and informed me that I was only a "geo-muggle" waiting to be instructed in the art. So we got up early, ate a scrumptious breakfast at the Bear Breakfast, or something like that, and headed out to go off-roading.

The first cache was rather un-extroardinary, we pulled up, mobile global positioning system in hand, and hiked to the top of a hill where we found a conspicuous mound of sticks. We dug through them and, "Voila!" there was a peanut butter jar wrapped in camo-colored duct tape. We opened it up and found a bunch of junk in there, but we were more interested in signing the 5-inch wide notebook claiming that we had found the hidden "treasure."

The second cache's location was even easier to locate, but the container itself remained elusive for almost half-an hour of our combined searching. The location was on the sloped side of a steep hill, upon which was a wrecked pick-up truck that was perforated with bullet holes. We had to ask ourselves,"How the heck did this get here?" which also happened to be the title of this geocache. I'll be posting a video next week showing where we found it exactly so that you can share in the fun (if you live in or near Colorado Springs, the video will be a spoiler for you).

That brings us back to the third cache, where I'm clinging on to the side of the cliff for dear life, while madly searching for the last cache. My eye was drawn several holes in the wall and I just randomly stuck my hand in one and pulled a rock out the size of my fist. There hidden behind that small rock was a canister wrapped in camo-cloth. I shouted to my cousin as I hastily snatched up my prize. Inside the container was some cool stuff, I guess not many people had found this cache because usually you just find junk. I took out the notebook, signed it, at returned it to the canister, but not until after removing a nifty keychain. My cousin then put in some playing cards and somebody's fake ear, and we returned the can into the hole and put the rock back in.

I am the newest member of the online geocaching community and I can't wait to go back to San Antonio to search for some near home.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun adventure. Maybe we can look for some here in Austin next time you are around. :)

Erik S. said...

Yeah, most definitely!

H.K.Bialik said...

I thought it was pronounced geo-cash...?

Erik S. said...

Yeah it probably is...

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, we love geocaching! We found a bunch in Oak Harbor. Maybe this summer all of us can have a big geocaching party now that we are here!

Erik S. said...

That would be great fun! Let's do it!